Sunday, October 28, 2007

Come Monday.....

Sorry my fellow Floridians and Galactic Bloggers for my lack of attention to FNM. Last blog of 9/11 whipped me. You know there's allot of therapy in these things. Anyway tomm my little lady aka "the Queen" is heading back to Mississippi without me for a week for a wedding and a surgery. Momma is having her gall bladder taken out on Friday and one of Queen's bestest Friends is getting Hitched Sat. in Jackson. Good Luck Chester and Tonya...

While surfing around on You Tube a few weeks ago I ran across a Jimmy Buffett Vid. Shot back in the early '70's. It included JB and his soon to be wife and his old pickup truck. The title of my Blog is about that song and it's appropriate since my Queen will be traveling tomm on Monday.

Hope all you fellow Parrot Heads enjoy, I know I do and I will be missing my Lady this week. FYI FNM is moving over to be near the little critters here in Nov. Can't wait to get back on a beach, being inland in our great state is like having a Ferrari in the garage and never taking it for a ride.

Oh, don't forget to check out my newest additions to my fav Blog's. 2 Fellow Floridians both hail from the Redneck Rivera such as I. One fella actually lives in Two Egg FL. If you are not cultured enough to know where 2 Egg is, its 34 miles north of Blountstown FL where my Parents live. Also, 2 egg is the birthplace of a Famous Actress.....any guesses? I will fill you in on my next post.

Also, Jim has a Great blog on History and Going's on in Florida. He like Me resides here in the Central Part of our Great State.

Until then I will always be

Yours in the Bond.